Haukur Haraldsson
Language skills: Icelandic (native); English & Danish (excellent); German, Norwegian & Swedish (very good); French (limited); Latvian/Lithuanian (very little).
1978-1983 HH started the first recruitment service in Iceland (Hagvangur ráðningarþjónusta) and ran it for the first 5 years.
1983-1985 Eagle Air (later to become foundation for Air Atlanta), various administrative tasks (marketing promoting Amsterdam and Zürich to the Icelandic market; interline agreements; charter operations for the Icelandic market; cargo division head (temporary)).
Stjórnunarfélag Íslands (Icelandic Management Association) as their main speaker for 20 years 1981-2002. During that time he was a part of TMI (Time Manager International) international team of trainers participating in development projects and training 1986-1998.
1988-2004 tok part in the development and operation of a specialised education program for Icelandic exporters, it started as a 9 month program and later developed into the Export school named "Útflutningur og hagvöxtur" (run by the Icelandic Export board) - A part of this was then developed into a program (three 2-3 month summer seminars on management, marketing and service management, offered to specially selected delegations from the Baltic states (Estonia; Latvia & Lithuania) offered by the Icelandic government wen they recognised the three stated back in 1991. - HH has been doing some follow-up work in Latvia and Lithuania 2002-2006.
In 1995 HH established together with Dr. Halldór Kr. Júlíusson the company Mannheimar Ltd. A consultancy specialising in HR management, quality development and knowledge management.
1999-2002 Hópvinnukerfi ehf (FOCAL software) - International marketing and sales.
1998-2007 Katla ehf board of directors - strategic planning, product development and other management tasks.
2008-2011 Hotel manager for Fosshótel Reykholt
2011- now Manager (focusing on management systems, marketing, product development and communications) for The PP Brautarholt restaurant; Skólabrú restaurant and Gandhi Indian.
2011- now Manager (focusing on management systems, marketing, product development and communications) for Time Tours a bus company
HH's professional profiles
Post and Telecommunications
1986 (two year project): Analysing and making a new structure for the marketing, sales and service function of the entire Icelandic telephone and post organisation (at that time it was a state monopoly). This was extensive work involving research, training and activating the management group.
1990 (five years): Training the staff in service, communication and sales. This involved about 1.600 people from both sides i.e. telephone and post.
1997-2002: training of salespeople selling telephone equipment and other electrical devices (about 5 different companies in the private sector).
Tourist industry
1995-2003 HH was a part of the startup training program for tour guides and was a trainer in the program focusing on service management and behaviour.
Seminars and conferences Akureyri, Reykjavik, Stykkisholmur, Djúpivogur, Vestmannaeyjar. - Initiating new approach to the industry
Meetings, seminars and conferences on tourism development in Lithuania Kaunas, Druskeninke, Birstonas. - In Estonia Tartu. - In Latvia Riga, Ventspils.
Hotel industry
1972-1975 Hotel Esja (now a part of the Hilton chain), at the time 150 rooms and three restaurants. Restaurant and reception manager.
1985-2004 training the entire staff of the following hotels, Holliday-Inn; Radison SAS; Hotel Loftleidir; Hotel KEA; Hotel Valaskjálf; Hotel Örk; Icelandic Hotels...
Financial institutions
Training and consultancy work for the following institutions in the period 1987-2003.
Banks: Landsbanki Íslands (Icelands former national bank, now privatised); Íslands banki; SPRON; Sparisjórdur Hafnarfjardar (plus 4 other smaller banks).
Funds and other ...: Kaupthing (now KB bank ranking among the 200 biggest banks in the world); Glitnir; Fjárfestingafélag Íslands (the pioneer in introducing the stock exchange to the Icelandic market); Idnlánasjódur; Lysing.
Insurance: Sjóvá-Almennar; VÍS (the two main players in the Icelandic market).
1987-1988 Iceland Air training the entire staff (1.850 people), working with their corporate strategy prior to the training's and follow-up.
1983-1985 Eagle Air, establishing the cargo department of the airline, marketing (introducing mainly Amsterdam as a new destination), interline agreements and responsible for communication with local travel agents.
1992-2003 Keflavik International Airport, training and consulting all the companies operating in the airport (except for the customs people).
1992-now Close collaboration with Heilbrigdisstofnun Thingeyinga on a vide range of issues.
1994-2001 Running seminars for the entire staff of 5 Hospitals in all about 3.000 people.
1998-2005 Training and participation in conferences (with input) for various specialist unions and events within the healthcare industry. Something like 2.000 people in all.
2000-2004 Various activities for Össur (a company dealing with prosthetics). This project was extensive in training their sales force and helping them train specialists and establishing their "training academy".
1995-2006 The Pharmacutical Industry running trainings for doctors and nurses in context with introductions and as a part of conferences. Fore example Thorarensen-Lyf and Pharmaco.
2005 service seminars for Farma in Lithuania (a chain of pharmacies), about 200 employees, performed with simultaneous live translation.
2004 Sales straining for Ilsanta (selling medical equipment to the health care sector) in Lithuania.
1988-2004 Training and consulting the meat, skin and diary industries. Working together with management and the people on the factory floor. Designing and implementing quality processes.
1989-2002 Working within the Icelandic fish industry. For individual plants in Vestmannaeyjar; Neskaupstadur; Reydarfjördur; Ísafjördur; Súdavík; Patreksfjördur and then going into most of the plants connected to SH (Sölumidstöd Hradfrystihúsanna) the largest sales organisation in the fish industry. Most of this work was structured around quality implementations and staff motivation.
1990-2003 Extensive development programs for the following municipalities Reykjavik; Akureyri; Vestmannaeyjar; Husavik; Olafsfjördur; Patreksfjördur; Þorlakshöfn about 2.500 people.
Specialised independent training and development processes for management and staff of the waterworks, power plants and fire departments for Reykjavik, Akureyri and Vestmannaeyjar, about 1.000 people.
1996-2000 A change process for all Kindergarten establishments in Akureyri. 160 people.
Seminars for Parkingmeter Attendants in Reykjavik, 3 times between 1998 and 2003
Private sector
1988-2010 Many private companies in all kinds of industries, seminars and development processes ranging from 1 week to 3 years. - I will not list these here, but can give more detailed information if required. - Something like 10.000 people. - Among the companies are HEKLA (VW; AUDI; Mitsubichi; Catepillar dealership); TOYOTA; KODAK;
Charity and similar organisations
1996-2000 SVFI (Icelandic Rescue Services) a massive management training, input in conferences, change process and assistance to individual clubs. Members of SVFI were about 20.000 making it one of the largest organisation in the country.
1998-2002 various events within the church, focusing on change management, ethics and motivation. - Something like 500 people.
1988-2004 input into a variety of events for all kinds of clubs: Oddfellow; Round Table; Lions; Toastmasters; J.C.; Kiwanis...
Sports and education
A 3-4 year project for Athletic Teachers union in collaboration with the ministry of education, where the aim was to increase attendance to their summer education program, which was 60 to begin with and 240 at the end.
Sport Clubs input into conferences and various events. - One interesting example is when KR (one of the most prominent Soccer Clubs in Iceland) was in the danger of falling to the next division, HH took part in reorganising the training of the team where they managed to keep their place (by many considered to be a big surprise).
Seminars for University students HI; UNAK; HR; TI; various High Schools and many others.
HH's publications
“Sölutækni” (Sales techniques); Course material developed for the Icelandic Management Association (1984).
“Fólk í Fyrirrúmi” (Putting People First); Translated and adjusted to Icelandic culture; Icelandic Management Association (1986).
“Fólk í Fyrirrúmi II” (Keeping People First); Translated and adjusted to Icelandic culture; Icelandic Management Association (1988).
“Starfsvitund” (Employeeship); Several papers printed in Stjórnun a magazine of the Icelandic Management Association (1993-4).
“Lífsvitund” (Life Awareness); A Paper; Mannheimar ehf (1997).
“Management Symphony”; A Paper; Mannheimar ehf (1998).
“LjónaSálfræði” (Lion Psycology); A Paper; Mannheimar ehf (1999).
“Attention Earned”; Material on Presentation Skills; Mannheimar ehf (2001).
"Starfsvitund - verkdreifing - gildismat"; a follow-up and review of former work on the topic; Mann
e-mail: haukur.h@me.com
Haukur Haraldsson (HH) is a pioneer in Human Resource, change and time management in addition he is specialised in marketing, quality and knowledge management. The basis for all this has been the "Human Factor".
HH's strengths:
Reorganisation of the workplace, the physical as well as the virtual, where HH's computer skills can be utilised. - Strategic planning, where vast experience and insight is put to practical use.
Setup and designing solutions for the web together with production of educational materials (manuals, videos, presentations…). - Motivation has been the red thread in all of HH's seminars.
GSM +354 824 2450

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